
The Effects Of Panic And Anxiety Disorders

Panic and anxiety disorders affect over forty million people. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder are amongst the most common. These disorders can be very serious and debilitating for the sufferer.

Panic and anxiety attacks may be frequent for a sufferer which is extremely disruptive to day to day living. Sufferers of panic disorder experience much more severe panic attacks compared to other anxiety disorders.

There are various symptoms a sufferer may experience. Stomach pains, a rushing heartbeat, sweating and a feeling of terror are common symptoms. Two highly disturbing symptoms are derealization and depersonalization.

For a non-sufferer these symptoms can be hard to comprehend but for the sufferer it can be all too terrifying. Their perception of their environment becomes unfamiliar and strange. Feelings of unwanted detachment from oneself can occur.

Panic attacks can trigger regardless of mood and even during sleeping. A panic attack can come about at any time of the day. As attacks can be spontaneous, sufferers may feel scared to do everyday things. Even grocery shopping or hanging out the laundry may seem difficult tasks.

A negative past experience may be the reason a sufferer avoids a certain situation or place. Perhaps they experienced a panic attack at the local convenience store one time before. The anticipation of going back, alone may be enough to trigger panic and anxiety symptoms.

Going in or even near the same store will probably cause an attack. This constant fear of having an attack anywhere and anytime can make life unbearable for the sufferer.

Although anxiety and panic attacks are often considered the same, there are differences. Generally anxiety symptoms are caused by day to day stresses. Sufferers may experience a stress response which in turn increases feelings of anxiety.

All panic and anxiety disorders are treatable. Although medication is available, it is not always necessary because there are natural therapies that work. Alternative therapies such as CBT have been very successful.

Get relief from panic symptoms today.